Same Day Crowns

Same Day Crowns With CAD CAM Technology

S.A.H. & W. Dentistry is pleased to offer same day crowns, fillings, and veneers to qualifying patients. At the forefront of dental technology, SAH Dentistry recently incorporated the E4D Dentist™ system into the treatment options available to patients. As a result, Drs. Stranigan, Askeland and Harris can take a digital scan of the patient’s tooth and design and create a custom, permanent restoration in the dental office, all in a single appointment.

The E4D system allows the doctors at S.A.H. & W. Dentistry to replace conventional impression methods that include an unpleasant material and the uncomfortable waiting associated with it. The clean, fast digital scan is obtained in a few minutes through a series of laser images taken in the mouth.The scanned information is then transferred to the design center where a 3D model of the tooth is created chair side using the system’s state-of-the-art DentaLogic™ software. The dentist can then customize the restoration to fit the patient’s unique characteristics, after which it is created in a milling unit right in the dental office.

The final result is a natural-looking restoration that beautifully fits the surrounding teeth, making the crown, veneer, or filling virtually undetectable. “The elimination of impressions, temporaries, second appointments, and waiting for the permanent restoration elevates the entire dental experience for both the dentist and the patient. Patients will love watching their new tooth come to life, as well as the convenience of same day dentistry,” said Dr. Stranigan. The E4D Dentist system empowers dentists to treat their patients with ­­dentistry that truly fits their lifestyles.The E4D Dentist was created by D4D Technologies, LLC, headquartered A crown (or cap) is a covering that encases the entire tooth surface restoring it to its original shape and size. A crown protects and strengthens tooth structure that cannot be restored with fillings or other types of restorations.Although there are several types of crowns, porcelain (tooth colored crown) are the most popular, because they resemble your natural teeth. They are highly durable and will last many years, but like most dental restorations, they may eventually need to be replaced. Porcelain crowns are made to match the shape, size, and color or your teeth giving you a natural, long-lasting beautiful smile.Reasons for crowns:

  • Broken or fractured teeth.
  • Cosmetic enhancement.
  • Decayed teeth.
  • Fractured fillings.
  • Large fillings.
  • Tooth has a root canal.